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Clinical Evaluation of genetic screenings in overcoming Recurrent Implantation Failure patients
  • +1
  • Mauro Cozzolino,
  • Patricia Diaz-Gimeno,
  • Antonio Pellicer,
  • Nicolas Garrido
Mauro Cozzolino
Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad

Corresponding Author:maurocoz@yahoo.it

Author Profile
Patricia Diaz-Gimeno
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Antonio Pellicer
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Nicolas Garrido
Author Profile


Objective: We evaluated the clinical usefulness of the endometrial receptivity array (ERA) and the preimplantation genetic test for aneuploidy (PGT-A) Genetic screenings in patients with severe or moderate recurrent implantation failure. Design: Retrospective multicenter cohort. Setting: University affiliate IVF centers. Population: Patients who failed to achieve implantation following transfer of ≥3 or ≥5 embryos at least in three single embryo transfers were evaluated as moderate or severe recurrent implantation failure, respectively. Methods: Patients with previous RIF were compared in PGT-A, ERA and PGT-A+ERA and control group. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed and adjusted ORs were calculated with the aim to control possible bias. Main Outcomes Measures: Mean implantation rate and ongoing pregnancy rates per embryo transfer were considered as primary outcomes. Results: Of the 2,110 patients belonging to the moderate group, those who underwent transfer of euploid embryos after the preimplantation genetic test for aneuploidy had a higher implantation rate than those who did not. Additionally, the preimplantation genetic test for aneuploidy group had a significantly higher rate of ongoing pregnancy. The same outcomes measured for the 488 patients in the severe group did not reveal any statistically significant improvements. The use of the endometrial receptivity array did not significantly improve outcomes in either group. Conclusions: The preimplantation genetic test for aneuploidy may be beneficial for patients with moderate recurrent implantation failure. At its current level of development, the endometrial receptivity analysis by ERA does not appear to be clinically useful for patients with recurrent implantation failure.