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Alternative method for modelling structural and functional behaviour of a Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant using MLD approach
  • +2
  • Carlos Graciós,
  • Rosa María ,
  • German Ardul Munoz-Hernandez,
  • Sa'ad Mansoor,
  • Gregorio Zamora-Mejía
Carlos Graciós
Technological University of Puebla, Mexico

Corresponding Author:carlos.gracios302@uppuebla.edu.mx

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Rosa María
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German Ardul Munoz-Hernandez
Author Profile
Sa'ad Mansoor
Bangor, Wales University. U. K.
Author Profile
Gregorio Zamora-Mejía
Author Profile


Nowadays, the primaryn challenge is the Efficient use of energy in all the world. International and regional efforts have been developed to address it, including government aggrements and sectorial projetcs between academic, industrial , social and entrepreneurs as well.
Nevertheless, the traditional and well-known strategies applied in particular to generate, storage, distribute and use of the Electrical Power is high exploited. Considering the politics about the responsible production and use of electrical energy in the countries, the HydroElectrical Plants (HEP) accomplish the restricted requirements in this context. England is one of the specific countries that represent the principal equilibrium between efficient in production and use of Electrical Power with the 1/3 of the electrical grid covered by Dinorwig HEP. This plant have been studied and improved with several strategies...