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PREreview of "Frequent lack of repressive capacity of promoter DNA methylation identified through genome-wide epigenomic manipulation"
  • Hector Hernandez-Vargas
Hector Hernandez-Vargas

Corresponding Author:hector.hernandez-vargas@lyon.unicancer.fr

Author Profile


This is a review of the preprint "Frequent lack of repressive capacity of promoter DNA methylation identified through genome-wide epigenomic manipulation" by Ethan Edward Ford,  Matthew R. Grimmer,  Sabine Stolzenburg,  Ozren Bogdanovic,  Alex de Mendoza,  Peggy J. Farnham,  Pilar Blancafort, and  Ryan Lister.
The preprint was originally posted on bioRxiv on September 20, 2017 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/170506).