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Temporal Relationships Between African Dust and Chlorophyll-α in the Eastern Caribbean Basin
  • Nicolás Gómez-Andújar,
  • Elvis Torres-Delgado,
  • Olga Mayol-Bracero
Nicolás Gómez-Andújar
University of Puerto Rico College of Natural Sciences Rio Piedras Campus

Corresponding Author:nicolas.x.gomez@gmail.com

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Elvis Torres-Delgado
University of Puerto Rico College of Natural Sciences Rio Piedras Campus

Corresponding Author:elvis.torres810@gmail.com

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Olga Mayol-Bracero
University of Puerto Rico College of Natural Sciences Rio Piedras Campus

Corresponding Author:omayol@ites.upr.edu

Author Profile


Seasonal African Dust (AD) transports soluble iron to oligotrophic Caribbean waters, and when bioavailable, it could increase marine primary productivity (PP). Recently, the region has experienced the proliferation of unusually high quantities of Sargassum, an iron-absorbing macroalgae inhabiting the air-sea interface, which possess ecological and economic challenges and whose driving factors are still uncertain. AD events reach Puerto Rico (PR) mostly during boreal summer months. This is also the season when chlorophyll-α (CHL) concentrations are highest, when the algae starts to bloom, and when sediment plumes from the Orinoco River (ORP), also reach nutrient discharge maxima. This study seeks to better understand the temporal relationships between increases in chlorophyll-α (CHL) and the presence of AD events in the region. Aerosol data collected at the Cabezas de San Juan Atmospheric Observatory was used to identify AD events between January 2005 and December 2015. Light scattering coefficients were measured with a integrating Nephelometer, while light absorption coefficients were obtained from either the Particle Soot/Absorption Photometer (PSAP) or the Continuous Light Absorption Photometer (CLAP). Spectral properties suggesting AD events were cross-referenced with surface dust concentration image models and source-attributed air masses corresponding to dusty periods using Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectories (HYSPLIT). For all years with spectral data, modeled monthly wet dust deposition was correlated (R= 0.64) with mean CHL concentrations from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Daily dust mass column densities from NASA’s MERRA-2 model were also correlated (R^2= 0.53) to sea surface iron concentrations from NASA’s Ocean Biogeochemical Model. We present the 2010 case study, which coincides with the start of the Sargassum bloom and shows CHL peaks occurring a month before ORPs but during the AD season, suggesting the AD role in enhancing PP. Other possible influencing climatic and oceanographic variables could be associated to these observations. Further efforts include spatially linking the Floating Algae Index in satellite imagery to AD concentrations, to better predict harmful algal blooms and inform management.