Brazil is one of countries highest incidence of lightning in the world
and the characterization of thus event can help in the development of
public polices and decision-making by authorities to mitigate the
socio-economic damage that may be caused. This work presents some
analysis of spatio-temporal patterns of lightnings in Brazil in 2020,
generated from Self-Organizing Map (SOM) technique. This analysis
considers the activity of the lightning in the hourly, daily and monthly
periods accumulated in the different Brazilian states. The seasonal
variation of lightning was also evaluated, considering the four seasons
of 2020. The results showed that the self-organizing maps were efficient
in identifying spatio-temporal patterns of lightning, which are highly
variability events. Thus, theses results can support the development of
new tools or analysis in which the spatio-temporal information lightning
is important, for example, in warning and forecasting systems.