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An Interactive GUI for BALTO in a Jupyter Notebook
  • +3
  • Maria Stoica,
  • Sarah Stamps,
  • James Gallagher,
  • Nathan Potter,
  • David Fulker
University of Colorado, Boulder

Corresponding Author:scott.peckham@colorado.edu

Author Profile
Maria Stoica
University of Colorado, Boulder
Author Profile
Sarah Stamps
Virginia Tech
Author Profile
James Gallagher
Author Profile
Nathan Potter
Author Profile
David Fulker
Author Profile


This repository creates a GUI (graphical user interface) for the BALTO (Brokered Alignment of Long-Tail Observations) project. BALTO is funded by the NSF EarthCube program. The GUI aims to provide a simplified and customizable method for users to access data sets of interest on servers that support the OpenDAP data access protocol. This interactive GUI runs within a Jupyter notebook and uses the Python packages: ipywidgets (for widget controls), ipyleaflet (for interactive maps) and pydap (an OpenDAP client). The Python source code to create the GUI and to process events is in a module called balto_gui.py that must be found in the same directory as this Jupyter notebook. Python source code for visualization of downloaded data is given in a module called balto_plot.py. This GUI consists of mulitiple panels, and supports both a tab-style and an accordion-style, which allows you to switch between GUI panels without scrolling in the notebook. You can run the notebook in a browser window without installing anything on your computer, using something called Binder. Look for the Binder icon below and a link labeled “Launch Binder”. This sets up a server in the cloud that has all the required dependencies and lets you run the notebook on that server. (Sometimes this takes a while, however.) To run this Jupyter notebook without Binder, it is recommended to install Python 3.7 from an Anaconda distribution and to then create a conda environment called balto. Simple instructions for how to create a conda environment and install the software are given in Appendix 1 of version 2 (v2) of the notebook.