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Assessing Student Accomplishments using the DISCUSS Model
  • Mysore Narayanan
Mysore Narayanan
Miami University Oxford

Corresponding Author:narayam@miamioh.edu

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Experts in the area of educational research have documented that students can simultaneously possess alternate knowledge frameworks. Furthermore, the development and use of such knowledge frameworks are context dependent. John Heron, of University of Surrey provides guidelines to transform attitudes towards learning in educational institutions and society at large. Inspired by John Heron’s Research, the author has generated DISCUSS to cultivate inspiration in the college experience. In this presentation, the author presents an analysis of the data he has collected and tries to draw conclusions as to how to improve classroom teaching techniques. Directional: By providing direct guidance and steering them in the appropriate direction. Informative: By giving instruction and documenting necessary knowledge and information. Supporting: By affirming the worth and value of student’s beliefs, actions and qualities. Catalytic: By motivating and encouraging them to learn and to move towards self-discovery. Uplifting: By enabling the student to ease tension and to react to powerful emotions. Steering: By means of creative feedback to challenging the student to rise to the occasion. Stimulating: By asking the student to develop interesting problem-solving methodologies. In this presentation, the author tries to present a model analysis. Here, he tries to apply qualitative research to establish and interpret a quantitative data representation. References Gardner, Howard. Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York: Basic, 2000. Barr, R. B., & Tagg, J. (1995, November/December). From teaching to learning: A new paradigm for undergraduate education. Change: The Magazine of Higher Education, 13-24. Saxe, S. (1990, June). Peer influence and learning. Training and Development Journal, 42 (6), 50-53. Senge, P. M. (1990). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. New York: Currency Doubleday. Sims, R. R. (1992, Fall). Developing the learning climate in public sector training programs. Public Personnel Management, 21 (3), 335-346.