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Low-cost, Low-profile Dendrometer Optimized for Grapevines
  • +3
  • Cameron Clonch,
  • Mark Huynh,
  • Bryson Goto,
  • Alexander Levin,
  • John Selker,
  • Chet Udell
Cameron Clonch
Openly Published Environmental Sensing (OPEnS) Lab, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Corresponding Author:clonchc@oregonstate.edu

Author Profile
Mark Huynh
Openly Published Environmental Sensing (OPEnS) Lab, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Author Profile
Bryson Goto
Openly Published Environmental Sensing (OPEnS) Lab, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Author Profile
Alexander Levin
Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Author Profile
John Selker
Openly Published Environmental Sensing (OPEnS) Lab, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
Author Profile
Chet Udell
Openly Published Environmental Sensing (OPEnS) Lab, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
Author Profile


Increasing agricultural demand for fresh water resources in the face of a changing climate requires improved irrigation management solutions to maximize resource efficiency while maintaining crop yield and quality. Soil water deficits can significantly reduce plant growth and development, dictating the quantity and quality of the crop. While plant-based measures of water deficits are considered to be the best measures of water stress, current methods for achieving precise stress measurements are time-consuming and inefficient. Dendrometers are one plant-based tool that have shown potential to improve irrigation management in high-value woody perennial crops. High-precision dendrometers continuously measure small fluctuations (± 1 micron) in stem diameter throughout the day, which directly correlates to water stress. However, currently available dendrometers are expensive, have mechanical hysteresis, and are subject to mechanical and environmental issues such as material expansion; weather and animal disruptions; and bulky, invasive design. The dendrometer created at the OPEnS Lab - tailored for grapevines - alleviates these key failure points through the use of zero-thermal expansion carbon fiber, spring tension, and a linear magnetic encoder. The design is also significantly less expensive than that of the competition, costing around $200 as opposed to $1000. Mass deployment of these automated dendrometers has the potential to provide a continuous picture of vineyard water stress at the whole-block level, thus providing valuable decision support for vineyard irrigation management. Follow the project at open-sensing.org/projects.