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Study on Non-Sructural Disaster Management of Middle Size City in Japan
  • Kazuki Aoyanagi
Kazuki Aoyanagi

Corresponding Author:kiagza1201@pasco.co.jp

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Because of geographical condition such as precipitous terrains and steep rivers, meteorological conditions such as typhoons and torrential rains, and social condition, Japan is subject to frequent natural disasters such as flood and landslide. As a result, there is a great loss of people's lives and property due to natural disasters. In reality, there has been severe damage caused by various disaster in the past, including 1947 Typhoon Kathleen, 1959 Typhoon Vera also known Isewan Typhoon, and 2018 torrential rain. Especially, Landslides and flooding caused more than 200 deaths by torrential rain in 2018. This study introduces disaster management about middle size city in Japan. In non-structural disaster measures, one of the most important disaster management measures is hazard map. It shows not only flood and land slide hazard area but also evacuation shelter information and it can help the people to evacuate the flood and land slide disaster. In addition, information on evacuation methods, past disasters, and information collection way is also shown. And also, estimate the number of evacuees is very important, too. For the analysis, the population, the information of building land slide information and the simulation result of estimating the flood inundation area, depth, continued flooding times, overflow, bank erosion are required. Not only horizontal evacuation but also vertical evacuation is important. As a result of the estimate the number of evacuees, vacancy rate of shelters are calculated. It can help the flood evacuation plan.