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The birth of bubbles by spinodal decomposition: Solving the tiny bubble paradox
  • +4
  • Dork Sahagian,
  • Tamara Carley,
  • Anja Allabar,
  • James Gardner,
  • Ed Lewellin,
  • Marcus Nowak,
  • Fabian Wadsworth
Dork Sahagian
Lehigh University

Corresponding Author:dos204@lehigh.edu

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Tamara Carley
Lafayette College
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Anja Allabar
University of Tuebingen
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James Gardner
University of Texas
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Ed Lewellin
Durham University
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Marcus Nowak
University of Tuebingen
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Fabian Wadsworth
Durham University
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Energetic ash-producing volcanic eruptions are driven by the diffusive and decompressive growth of bubbles (mostly water) during ascent in a magma conduit. The spatial distribution of bubble nucleation sites is one of the primary controls on ash-forming fragmentation. However, the initial formation of bubbles in a supersaturated magma is problematical, especially for homogeneous nucleation. Excessive surface tension pressure should preclude the existence of small bubbles, because exsolved water is driven back into the melt. This is the “tiny bubble paradox.” We suggest that—under special circumstances—the tiny bubble paradox may be circumvented by spinodal decomposition, a process in which uphill diffusion enables spontaneous unmixing of phases to reduce the free energy of the system. As spinodal decomposition progresses, three dimensional, quasi-spherical, zones of water-rich magma develop. These zones are characterized by an increasingly high concentration of dissolved water at the centers and reducing concentration at the margins. Bubbles are born when the concentration of water in the interior of the water-rich zones goes to 100% and the concentration of melt goes to zero. The small, nascent, bubbles that emerge will be buffered from melt by water-rich shells with increasing melt concentration away from newly formed bubbles. This diffuse concentration gradient of water means that there is no surface, per se, for surface tension to arise. This is the crux of the solution of the tiny bubble paradox. Particle morphology may be used to distinguish ash with spinodal origins from ash associated with typical (metastable) bubble nucleation. Spinodal decomposition occurs at a wavelength determined by the pressure, temperature, and viscosity of the magmatic system. This wavelength should create bubbles of uniform size and bubble walls of equal strength in a fragmenting magmatic foam, leading to sharply mono-modal vesicle and ash particle size distributions. Classical bubble nucleation should create more-variable bubble sizes and bubble wall strengths, leading to a broader particle size distribution. Better understanding the mechanism of bubble formation in magmatic systems will, in turn, enable better understanding of hazardous, explosive, eruptions.