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LISIRD: An Online Resource for Making Solar Data More Accessible
  • +6
  • Hunter Leise,
  • Tom Baltzer,
  • Anne Wilson,
  • Douglas Lindholm,
  • Martin Snow,
  • Donald Woodraska,
  • Stephane Beland,
  • Odele Coddington,
  • Christopher Pankratz
Hunter Leise
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Corresponding Author:hunter.leise@lasp.colorado.edu

Author Profile
Tom Baltzer
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Author Profile
Anne Wilson
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Author Profile
Douglas Lindholm
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Author Profile
Martin Snow
University of Colorado Boulder
Author Profile
Donald Woodraska
Univ Colorado
Author Profile
Stephane Beland
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Author Profile
Odele Coddington
CU in Boulder--LASP
Author Profile
Christopher Pankratz
University of Colorado
Author Profile


Finding quality solar data can be difficult, if not cumbersome at best, especially for students and early career researchers. The trend of having static files in an obscure format served in a hidden directory on some seemingly random server certainly doesn’t help the situation, not to mention the datasets that are only accessible via a researcher’s hard drive. The LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD), lasp.colorado.edu/lisird, seeks to alleviate many of these pains. LISIRD is a website where students and researchers can discover, visualize, and download solar data from a variety of space missions, instruments, models, and laboratories. LISIRD focuses on making heliophysics research as effortless as possible by making solar data openly available and easy to analyze through an intuitive user interface, detailed metadata, interactive plotting capabilities, and a catalog of over 75 datasets. This poster will demonstrate the key features of LISIRD, provide details on the datasets it serves, outline future plans for improvement and growth, and discuss how it can be used as a valuable resource in space physics curricula.